Here Comes The Rain – (Part 2)

“Racism has always had death in it.” – Rev. Dr. William Barker II

We are 5 months from the Election of 2024.

As of this posting, the man who was the 45th President of this Republic is a convicted felon. He is still the Republican nominee for President despite:

-His response to the COVID-19 pandemic which resulted in the deaths of at least 1,000,000 people.

-His ties to Russia

-Being convicted on 34 counts of fraud

-Support of disinformation, persecution of scientists and scientific methodology.

-1500 immigrant children missing at the border in the what can be described as internment camps; children sleeping on the floor under foil colored blankets in cages!

-His excusing of the domestic terrorism in Charlottesville which resulted in the death of Heather Heyer.

-Inciting an insurrection on Tuesday, January 6, 2021 which resulted in the death of a Capitol police officer.

-his egregious behavior resulting in attacks on the FBI, and influencing the potential kidnapping of a sitting governor of the state of Michigan.

-His response to the relief effort in Puerto Rico after the Hurricane Maria.

-His sexual assault history, xenophobia, racism and support of police brutality.

Next issue drops in September.

This is by no means the complete extent of his involvement in what can only be described as the active effort to dissolve the American republic.

This is the best this party has to offer!

At a dinner I had with my cousin Jason last year, he always emphasizes how proud he is to be a Republican. He voted for Trump, but he identifies as a Regan era Republican. The same Regan who is responsible for the Crack Epidemic, the current healthcare crisis, and who wouldn’t even whisper AIDS?

That’s exponentially worse — and I will not explain why.

I told him to his face the only reason why I let him in my house is because he was my cousin — and I love him. And yet? I am aware he is not alone in his thinking, and not the only Black man (or Black woman) in America who feels this way!

Yet, on the precipice of the Election of 2024, love will not be enough to hold relationships, friendships, cookouts, and celebrations together.


Knowing all you know, you did it anyway. By no means am I saying President Joe Biden is perfect or infallible. He is now a father of a felon, after his son, Hunter Biden, got convicted on a gun charge!

What I am saying is the justification I have for voting the way I plan to — it is not based in the erasure of anyone’s humanity! It is not based in racism, xenophobia or the perpetuating of white supremacy or Christian nationalism!

I understand no one has to justify the way they vote — I get that. The crucial part is you vote! That’s your right in a democratic republic. What cannot be reconciled is knowingly voting for a candidate who participated in the things I mentioned — and your vote makes you complicit with his ideology or lack thereof!

And…you support it. Or you have no problem supporting it — as long as you benefit (or believe you will). We are at a political boiling point, and the kitchen might just be on fire in November! And there can’t be excuses, there can’t be “it’s just politics”.

As the old women I am descended from would say, “You can’t come ‘round here no more. And I can’t see no more of you!”

The playing in our faces is over. This is who you all are! The sadder part, is it took the world almost ending 3 times over to see it.


Part 3 will be up on Patreon.