My fashion sense is my way of living out my dream of being a runway model or Barbie.

And after having been married to an oppressive narcissist, I am embracing my body and wearing of colors. My favorite color is still cerulean. But this year, I have embraced reds and pinks again. Color is mean to be that–color! To stand out! And when I wear red, I feel sexy, seen and on some level–GROWN.

Grown women wear red! I am at the age where no color, style or fashion is off limits to me. Wearing red makes, allowed me to own my body again. It is not at the mercy of the opinions of other people.

Red lipstick, head wraps, shirts–I feel that I am at last old enough to wear this color that was only relegated to “Fast ass girls.”

At age 40, my favorite color is red.