50 Years Of Hip- Hop (Intro)

Let me say this, I am going to be REAL spicy, REAL Black this month because I can’t be calm about this there! -JBH

When I saw this year’s Grammys and saw the impending celebration for Hip-Hop, I was a 10-year-old girl all over again!

And I CAN’T let this real Black event go past without me putting a pen in on this! Without me celebrating unabashedly, and without me remembering or honoring people that still have effect on me—and won’t stop listening to.

While I will never claim to be a hip-hop aficionado, the kid ain’t a novice either.

For the next 31 days, there will be 31 Tracks of my time enjoying this culture and celebration. Think of it like a mixtape: old memories and new thoughts and things that make you laugh, cry or quote.

Prepare to be SIKKA me!

See y’all August 1!

Let’s get it!