7 Years From 50

There you have it —-43. #HereSheCome

This was taken in May 2024.


I have determined to be a wildcat. The type of wildcat that Flannery O’Connor was.

There are things I have discovered in this 42nd year of life, that I am elated about — and that are concerning. The most concerning thing is how much I have slept on myself.

How I didn’t trust what was in me, that I shrank for the comfort of people who wouldn’t grow. That I doubted when I should and dig deeper— that I didn’t speak up when I should have! This 42 made me formidable! It made me sharper, and made me trust the gifts that I have, and stretch out into them.

I am learning that I am worthy of all good things —including rest. Including spoiling myself, and doing things that I like.

I am on the precipice if having adult children in the next 3 years, while slowly becoming okay with being middle-aged woman.

At the point, I’m chasing dreams, bags, and paper. A man is not the the focal point — and not a plan.

I’m a happy single woman— and freer than I have been, ever.

I am a decade into my writing career and closing in on 35 published works. I’m submitting books to libraries — and I have an opportunity to speak to a university soon—an HBCU no less!

When people ask what is a Queen without a King? Queens are more powerful.

And…I’m just getting started.